Very visual show with no dialogue, $20 tickets for Deaf and hard of hearing people
Check it out on the above NZSL video

Download the programme for A O Lang Pho here.
NZSL STORY NOTES - For the main event page for A O Lang Pho, please click here
Tickets $20 each for Deaf and hard of hearing and one friend/family member for these shows:
Saturday 17 March 2pm
Sunday 18 March 1pm
A delight for all the family, in this circus show acrobats tell a story about village and city life in Vietnam.
Full of laughter and imagination, the charming new work by French Vietnamese company arrives in New Zealand having won audiences over around the world.
Làng Phố, which translates as 'village-city', shows the rapid growth of rural villages who are set in their peaceful way of life. The show's 15 acrobats and five musicians gracefully contrast rural scenes with the busy sights and sounds of the city.
Performing live a mixture of South Vietnamese music and contemporary hip hop, the acrobats also perform a full range of circus skills including juggling, contortion and aerial work.
Their creativity will leave you spellbound.
1hr 10mins no interval
Recommended for ages 6+.
Online booking:
Google booking Form HERE
(Enter booking details and submit booking online)
Download the Word booking form HERE
Email the completed form to: [email protected]
Tuan Le
Nguyen Nhat Ly
Nguyen Lan Maurice
Nguyen Tan Loc
Click here for full list of credits
Produced by
With support from
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This creation of visual magic from such ordinary items is stunning, as are the engaging skills of the performers.
— The Australian