Auckland Arts Festival & Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery present a survey exhibition on the sonic innovations and invented instruments of renowned art/music ensemble From Scratch, including six performances by the latest incarnation of the group.

Formed in 1974, From Scratch has performed to wide acclaim around the world with their distinctive invented instruments. Their timeless works span art, music, performance and film, inspired by an egalitarian approach to working, and with strong connections to the sounds, cycles and geological rhythms of their home in Aotearoa and the Pacific. The group's much anticipated return includes an interactive survey exhibition and concert series fuelled with fresh direction and surprises.
Click here for details of the Touch Tour and Audio Introduction
It's hard to try and pigeon-hole From Scratch - they truly own their unique Pacific-styled sound. It's mesmerising, hypnotic, tonally melodic, repetitive yet undeniably complex.
— The Pantograph Punch