Powerful one-man show from actor, musician, Aboriginal elder and activist Jack Charles

Click on the video above to watch a NZSL video about this funny and moving show

Download the programme for Jack Charles V The Crown here. 

NZSL interpreted performance 18 March 5pm


Australian legend Jack Charles is coming to Auckland to tell you his story.

Jack is an Aboriginal elder, actor and musician who has led a very colourful life. He has been homeless, a drug addict and spent time in jail.  

Jack is a survivor of Australia's stolen generation of children - Aboriginal children who were taken from their families by the government. His story about the sad history of Aboriginal abuses has similarities to the experiences of many indigenous people around the world including Maori and Pacific people in New Zealand.

Jack's colourful storytelling and sense of humour make this show a fun and positive experience. Jack is accompanied by a live band, video footage and he even makes pottery onstage.                                                                                                                                   

Recommended for ages 15+.
Contains strong language, adult themes and images of drug use

1hr 15mins no interval

Tickets $20 each for Deaf and hard of hearing people and one friend/family member

Online booking:
Google booking Form HERE

(Enter booking details and submit booking online)


Download the Word booking form  HERE  
Email the completed form to: [email protected] 

 For assistance text 0211 291 786 or email [email protected]



Director: Rachael Maza
Co-Writer: Jack Charles, John Romeril
Performer: Jack Charles
Dramaturge: John Romeril
Set & Costume Designer: Emily Barrie
Lighting Designer: Danny Pettingill
Audio Visual Designer: Peter Worland
Musical Director: Nigel Maclean
Percussion: Phil Collings
Bass: Malcolm Beveridge

Presented by
Ilbijerri Brand Pos Mono for website3
Tour Producer
Fenn Gordon for Tandem

Sponsored by
Metro Masthead blk2